Ticketdispenser Universal with metal front plate
Ticket Dispenser with metal frontplate and Universal PCB for single or continuous shots.
Function:Switch S1 (left): single shot low (GND)
Switch S1 (right): continuous shot high (+12 Volt)
Notch Output (Open collector)
Ticket Width 25,4 mm a 29,5 mm (1" a 1-5/32")
Will run until notch is sensed or for 3 seconds if not notch is sensed)
Dimension: frontplate: W=90 mm x H=360mm
Tecnical data:
Standby current consumption: 20mA
Current consumption ticketing: 350/400 mA
12 Volt DC
meter output
J1 = 4 pin Art.no 9930900082
J2 = 2 pin Art.no.9930900148 + 9930900114